* Upgrades to Createsend API v3.3 which includes new breaking changes
* Breaking: 'client.campaigns' now returned an object to support pagination (use .Results to get the array of campaigns)
* Added 'Tags' as another field that is returned in 'client.scheduled', 'client.drafts' and client.campaigns'
* Added 'Name' as another field that is returned in 'campaign.summary'
* Add new support for 'client.tags' endpoint (ie: getting list of tags for the client)
* Add support for pagination, filtering and sorting to 'client.campaigns' endpoint
* Add Python 3.10 to `tox.ini`
* Adding support for returning ListJoinedDate for each subscriber.
* List.Active()
* List.Bounced()
* List.Unsubscribed()
* List.Unconfirmed()
* List.Deleted()
* Segment.Subscribers()
* Subscriber.Get()