* Fixed <a href="https://github.com/Nefcore/CRLFsuite/blob/main/crlfsuite/core/crlfscanner.py">crlfscanner.py</a> bugs.
* Enhanced progress with <a href="https://github.com/Nefcore/CRLFsuite/blob/50998c44247bef54fa18e2e7228156b01d512fb0/crlfsuite/utils/utils.py#L8">get_percentage </a>utility
* New Banner
* Added verbose mode
**CRLFsuite bug fixes:**
* Now scanner will match the `param` and `crlfsuite` strings in the Set-Cookie header instead of matching in the cookies.
* Fixed false-positive on 301/302 status code.
* Removed a payload because of many false-positive results.
*Note: We're still working on decreasing false-positive results and adding new features like: resuming the scan (after CTLR^C is pressed)*