> [!TIP]
> Check out ``main.py`` and the commit history to see what has changed.
- There is now a distinction between spec.v1 and spec.v2
- Changed the way fetching repositories with utils worked
- Made (some) comments better
- Moved crm1.types.make_pool to crm1.types.RepositoryPool.make
- Changed the contains test in VersionRange
- Adjusted main.py/example to use the new functions
- Repository() only takes RRepository as an argument now. Use the .from_address, .from_dict and .from_hjson helpers on Repository
- RepositoryPool.add_repository only accepts Repository objects. Convert everything to a Repository before.
- Fixed issue where Mod.meta.ext.others was always empty
- Addd functions to get all mods with the specified ID, not just the first one.
- Some others
- Reformatted