
Latest version: v0.8.0

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* Add support for Keras 3 in 79
* TensorFlow 2.16+ has Keras 3.x as a dependency (although it is possible to use legacy Keras 2.x if need-be)
* Remove deprecated/unsupported usage of numpy (also thanks to bwmr in 77)
* Add support for Python 3.12
* Miscellaneous smaller bug fixes and improvements

**Breaking changes**
- Exporting to TensorFlow's "SavedModel" format is no longer supported when using Keras 3

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/CSBDeep/CSBDeep/compare/0.7.4...0.8.0


Maintenance release with various smaller changes:
- Fix issue when using TensorFlow 2.13.0
- Support Python 3.11
- Re-activate `h5py` version pin when using TensorFlow 1 (i.e. installation via `pip install "csbdeep[tf1]"`)
- Update isotropic reconstruction notebook
- Fix smaller issues in example notebooks


Maintenance release to remove pin of `h5py` version (see [CSBDeep 0.6.2](https://github.com/CSBDeep/CSBDeep/releases/tag/0.6.2)).
(There still *might* be h5py-related issues when using TensorFlow 2.4 or earlier, which is not recommended.)


Bugfix release pinning `protobuf < 3.21` to be compatible with TensorFlow 1.x.
(Only if CSBDeep is installed via `pip install "csbdeep[tf1]"`.)

Cf. https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/news/2022-05-06#python-updates


Bugfix release to be compatible with old versions of Keras (cf. [failed legacy tests](https://github.com/CSBDeep/CSBDeep/actions/runs/2360006291)).


Minor changes, but now only supporting Python 3.6 or later (i.e. dropping Python 2.7 and 3.5).
- Fix several deprecated uses of other packages (distutils, scipy, numpy, tifffile, keras)
- Other minor changes

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