This release contains a large generalisation of the CSET workflow, allowing use of templating to use the same recipe for multiple variables. It also adds cycling to the workflow, so a long workflow can be efficiently processed in parallel.
v24.4.0 doesn't exist, I just slipped up on the version numbering when releasing...
What's Changed
jfrost-mo added GitHub Issue and Pull Request templates, and a detailed contribution checklist to the documentation in PR 465
jfrost-mo added a changelog in PR 468
jfrost-mo documented the category recipe key in PR 499
jfrost-mo renamed the steps and post-steps keys to parallel and collate in PR 484. This makes them more meaningful, but is a breaking change.
daflack added some generic arithmetic operators in PR 452
jfrost-mo made the log output of the read operator nicer in PR 461
jfrost-mo added links to share feedback to the output page in PR 442
jfrost-mo documented some common errors in PR 443
jfrost-mo documented the deprecation policy in PR 444
jfrost-mo fixed an iris deprecation warning for save_split_attrs in PR 459
jfrost-mo added LFRic specific recipes in PR 462. This allows CSET to read in structured LFRic data.
jfrost-mo fixed a memory leak when plotting in PR 482
jfrost-mo included the recipe title in the plot title, giving more context to the output. This was PR 462
Sylviabohnenstengel added the capability to loop over model levels in PR 441
Sylviabohnenstengel and jfrost-mo renamed and better linked up the Developer’s Guide in PR 434 and PR 435
jfrost-mo updated the documentation Actions workflow to make it simpler and faster in PR 449
jfrost-mo added a cycling to the cylc workflow so recipes can be run in parallel across multiple nodes. This was PR 395
jfrost-mo added looping inside an include file for generalisation in PR 387
jwarner8 added a basic regridding operator in PR 405
jfrost-mo made conda-lock update PRs use a GitHub App in PR 415
Sylviabohnenstengel retitled code and tooling setup page in PR 433
Sylviabohnenstengel updated git terminology in PR 436
jfrost-mo added sequential plot display with unified postage stamp plots in PR 379
JorgeBornemann fixed IFS in build conda in PR 447
jfrost-mo added a licence header to convection tests in PR 450
New Contributors
* JorgeBornemann made their first contribution in
**Full Changelog**: