Breaking changes
- Removed -f/--file and allowed direct file input
- None
Maintenance Updates
- Validated that no errors occur with real BAM files
- If an error occurred, modified to output the query_name of the read that caused the error
- Confirmed visualizability in IGV
- Fixed the bug where the program would hang when input was empty
- Modified to display a help message using the select module when there is no IO
- Aligned supported Operating Systems with Pysam
- POSIX, Unix, MacOS
+ Added COC (Code of Conduct)
+ Added GitHub Issue templates (bug and feature)
+ pysam -> bamnostic (failed)
+ We've decided to continue using Pysam, as [Bamnostic]( was unable to convert SAM to AlignmentFile format
+ Changed the build backend in pyproject.toml from setuptools to poetry
+ As homepage wasn't reflected in grayskull's meta.yaml when using setuptools
+ Translate all Japanese to English