* Ignore options are all now all behind a single flag, `--ignore`. For example, to ignore case and nonalpha characters you would previously have written `--ignore-case --ignore-nonalpha`, or `-ia` for short. Now you should write `--ignore case nonalpha` or `-i c na`. Some of the ignores have been renamed too -- see `--help` for details.
* The option to ignore letter order has been removed, it wasn't useful.
* Various deprecated aliases for ignore options have now been removed: `--filter` (use ignore regex), `--filter-titles` (use ignore titles), `--as-latin` (use ignore nonlatin), and `--sort-words` (use ignore words order).
* The fuzzy method flag has been renamed from `--fuzzy` to `--method`. It now defaults to an exact match.
* The short option for `--threshold` was previously `-r`, but it is now `-t`.
* Input is no longer accepted from STDIN.
* Output now defaults to including all fields from both input files, instead of only the fields used for the match.
* Added option to ignore leading and tailing words.
* Added support for blocking.
* Many operations will be faster.
* Improved remaining time display.