- Added automated testing for real-world data sets located in`tests/datasets`.
- Added first version of time series intelligence. Needs full redesign.
- Added support for boolean string keywords as member names.
True values: `true`, `t`, `1`, `yes`, `y`, `on`, `1`, `active`, `enabled`, `ok`, `done`
False values: everything else
- Added support for `in` operator = `__contains__` method on DimensionContext to test
if a member is contained in a dimension.
- NaN member names and values not properly recognized, non.
- Member names containing `,` delimiter not properly recognized, non.
- Numpy `__array_priority__` attribute calls not recognized and handled, non.
- MkDocs documentation build on GitHub failing. Switched to static upload as a temp. solution, non.
Earlier changes
Earlier changes, before [0.2.30], are not documented here as a comprehensive
redesign and refactoring of the initial code base was done.