
Latest version: v1.6

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10/25/2022 ***IMPORTANT NOTE*** This is the last release on pypi. Curio
will no longer be making package releases. The most recent
version can be obtained at

05/09/2022 Fixed a problem with cancellation and waiting in UniversalEvent.
Reported by vytasrgl.

04/20/2022 Merged a fix for 350 where UniversalEvents couldn't be set
more than once. Reported and fixed by Stephen Harding.

03/10/2021 Fixed Issue 340 related to the handling of daemonic tasks
in a TaskGroup. TaskGroups can now be given existing
daemonic tasks in the constructor. Daemonic tasks are
correctly cancelled if a TaskGroup used as a context manager
terminates due to an exception.

10/25/2020 Changed all cancellation related exceptions to inherit
from BaseException instead of Exception. This makes
them play slightly better with normal exception handling

await some_operation()
except Exception as err:
Normal (expected) program related error
except CancelledError as err:
Cancellation of some kind

This also mirrors a similar change to asyncio.CancelledError
which now directly inherits from BaseException.


If you were using try: ... except Exception: to catch
cancellation, that code will break.

10/17/2020 Added ps() and where() commands to the monitor
that can be used from the Curio REPL when you run
`python -m curio`. These can also be used to monitor
the state of the kernel from a different thread.
For example:

from threading import Thread

kern = Kernel()
Thread(, args=[main]).start()

>>> from curio.monitor import ps
>>> ps(kern)
... displays active tasks ...

This makes it a bit easier to have some of the monitor
capability in an live-environment where Curio is running.


08/23/2020 Fixed minimum requirement in


08/21/2020 Moved the Pytest plugin to the examples directory. There have
been several reported problems with it. It is no longer
installed by default. It was never used by Curio itself.

06/16/2020 Refined the detection of coroutines to use
This change should not affect any existing part of Curio, but it
allows it to properly recognize async functions defined in
extensions such as Cython. See Issue 326.

06/11/2020 Added a Result object. It's like an Event except that it has a
an associated value/exception attached to it. Here's the basic
usage pattern:

result = Result()
async def do_work():
await result.set_value(value)
except Exception as e:
await result.set_exception(e)

async def some_task():
value = await result.unwrap()
print("Success:", value)
except Exception as e:
print("Fail:", e)

In this example, the unwrap() method blocks until the result
becomes available.

06/09/2020 Having now needed it a few projects, have added a UniversalResult
object. It allows Curio tasks or threads to wait for a result
to be set by another thread or task. For example:

def do_work(result):

async def some_task(result):
value = await result.unwrap()

result = UniversalResult()
threading.Thread(target=do_work, args=[result]).start(), result)

UniversalResult is somewhat similar to a Future. However, it
really only allows setting and waiting. There are no callbacks,
cancellation, or any other extras.



04/06/2020 Removed hard dependency on contextvars. It was unnecessary and
needlessly broken some things on Python 3.6.

04/06/2020 Added a default selector timeout of 1 second for Windows. This
makes everything a bit more friendly for Control-C. This can be
disabled or changed using the max_select_timeout argument to Kernel

04/04/2020 First crack at a Curio repl. Idea borrowed from the asyncio
REPL. If you run `python -m curio` it will start a REPL
in which Curio is already running in the background. You
can directly await operations at the top level. For example:

bash $ python -m curio
Use "await" directly instead of "".
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import curio
>>> await curio.sleep(4)

Pressing Control-C causes any `await` operation to be cancelled
with a `curio.TaskCancelled` exception. For normal operations
not involving `await, Control-C raises a `KeyboardInterrupt` as
normal. Note: This feature requires Python 3.8 or newer.

03/24/2020 Added a pytest plugin for Curio. Contributed by Keith Dart.
See curio/

03/02/2020 Slight refinement to TaskGroup result reporting. If no tasks
are spawned in a TaskGroup g, then g.exception will return None
to indicate no errors. g.result will raise an exception
indicating that no successful result was obtained. Addresses
issue 314.


02/24/2020 Fixed a very subtle edge case involving epoll() and duplicated
file descriptors on Linux. The fix required a new trap
_io_release() to explitly unregister a file descriptor
before closing. This must be embedded in any close()
implementation prior to actually calling close() on a real
file object. No changes should be necessary in existing
user-level Curio code. Bug 313 reported by Ondřej Súkup.



**** SPECIAL NOTE ****: For the past few years, Curio has been been an
experimental project. However, as it moves towards having a more
"stable" release, I feel that it is better served by being small as
opposed to providing every possible feature like a framework. Thus, a wide range of
minor features have either been removed or refactored. If this broke
your code, sorry. Some features have been moved to the examples
directory. If something got removed and you'd like to lobby for its
return, please submit a bug report. -- Dave

02/19/2020 The Activation base class has been moved into curio.kernel.

02/14/2020 Modified UniversalEvent to also support asyncio for completeness
with UniversalQueue. This requires Curio and asyncio to be
running in separate threads.

02/10/2020 Removed absolute time-related functions wake_at(), timeout_at(),
and ignore_at(). This kind of functionality (if needed) can
be reimplemented using the other sleep/timeout functions.

02/10/2020 Added daemon flag to TaskGroup.spawn(). This can be used
to create a disregarded task that is ignored for the
purpose of reporting results, but which is cancelled when
the TaskGroup goes away.

02/10/2020 Added spawn_thread() method to TaskGroup. Can be used
to create an AsyncThread that's attached to the group.
AsyncThreads follow the same semantics as tasks.

02/09/2020 Removed schedule() function. Use sleep(0).

02/07/2020 Removed all support for signal handling. Signal handling,
by its very nature, is a tricky affair. For instance,
signals can only be handled in the main execution thread
and there are all sorts of other issues that can arise
when mixed with threads, subprocesses, locks, and other
things. Curio already provides all of the necessary support
to implement signal handling if you rely on UniversalEvent
or UniversalQueue objects. Here is a simple example::

import signal
import curio

evt = curio.UniversalEvent()

def signal_handler(signo, frame):

async def wait_for_signal():
await evt.wait()
print("Got a signal!")

signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, signal_handler)

02/07/2020 Removed iteration support from queues. Queues in the
standard library don't support iteration.

02/06/2020 Removed metaprogramming features not used in the implementation
of Curio itself. These include:


Libraries/frameworks that use Curio should be responsible
for their own metaprogramming. Their removal is meant to
make Curio smaller and easier to reason about.

02/06/2020 Added exception and exceptions attributes to TaskGroup.
Can be used to check for errors. For example:

async with TaskGroup(wait=all) as g:
await g.spawn(coro1)
await g.spawn(coro2)
if any(g.exceptions):
print("An error occurred")

Obviously, you could expand that to be more detailed.

02/04/2020 Removed TaskGroupError exception and simplified the error
handling behavior of task groups. If tasks exit with an
exception, that information is now obtained on the task
itself or on the .result attribute of a task group. For

async with TaskGroup() as g:
t1 = await g.spawn(coro1)
t2 = await g.spawn(coro2)

r = t1.result
except WhateverError:

r = g.result
except WhateverError:

This simplifies both the implementation of task groups as well as
a lot of code that utilizes task groups. Exceptions are no longer
wrapped up in layer-upon-layer of other exceptions. There is a risk
of exceptions passing silently if you don't actually check the result
of a task group. Don't do that.

02/03/2020 Added convenience properties to TaskGroup. If you want the
result of the first completed task, use .result like this:

async with TaskGroup(wait=any) as g:
await g.spawn(coro1)
await g.spawn(coro2)

print('Result:', g.result)

If you want a list of all results *in task creation order*
use the .results property:

async with TaskGroup(wait=all) as g:
await g.spawn(coro1)
await g.spawn(coro2)

print('Results:', g.results)

Note: Both of these are on the happy path. If any kind of
exception occurs, task groups still produce a
TaskGroupError exception.

01/29/2020 Added support for contextvars. The behavior of context
variables in the context of Curio and threads is not
always well defined. As such, this is a feature that
requires explicit user opt-in to enable. To do it, you need
provide an alternative Task class definition to the kernel
like this:

from curio.task import ContextTask
from curio import Kernel

with Kernel(taskcls=ContextTask) as kernel:

Alternatively, you can use:

from curio import run
run(coro, taskcls=ContextTask)

01/29/2020 Added optional keyword-only argument taskcls to Kernel. This
can be used to provide alternative implementations of the
internal Task class used to wrap coroutines. This can be
useful if you want to subclass Task or implement certain
task-related features in a different way.

10/15/2019 Refactored into separate files for tasks and time

09/29/2019 Removed Promise. Not documented, but also want to rethink the
whole design/implementation of it. The "standard" way that
Python implements "promises" is through the Future class
as found in the concurrent.futures module. However, Futures
are tricky. They often have callback functions attached to
them and they can be cancelled. Some further thought needs
to be given as to how such features might integrate with the
rest of Curio. Code for the old Promise class can be
found the examples directory.

09/26/2019 Removed support for the Asyncio bridge. It wasn't documented
and there are many possible ways in which Curio might
potentially interact with an asyncio event loop. For example,
using queues. Asyncio interaction may be revisited in the

09/13/2019 Support for context-manager use of spawn_thread() has been
withdrawn. It's a neat feature, but the implementation
is pretty hairy. It also creates a situation where async
functions partially run in coroutines and partially in threads.
All things equal, it's probably more sane to make this
kind of distinction at the function level, not at the level
of code blocks.

09/11/2019 Removed AsyncObject and AsyncInstanceType. Very specialized.
Not used elsewhere in Curio. Involves metaclasses. One
less thing to maintain.

09/11/2019 I want to use f-strings. Now used for string formatting
everywhere except in logging messages. Sorry Python 3.5.

09/11/2019 Removed the allow_cancel optional argument to spawn().
If a task wants to disable cancellation, it should
explicitly manage that on its own.

09/11/2019 Removed the report_crash option to spawn(). Having
it as an optional argument is really the wrong place for
this. On-by-default crash logging is extremely useful for
debugging. However, if you want to disable it, it's
annoying to have to go change your source code on a task-by-task
basis. A better option is to suppress it via configuration
of the logging module. Better yet: write your code so that
it doesn't crash.

09/10/2019 Some refactoring of some internal scheduling operations.
The SchedFIFO and SchedBarrier classes are now available
for more general use by any code that wants to implement
different sorts of synchronization primitives.

09/10/2019 Removed the abide() function. This feature was from the
earliest days of Curio when there was initial thinking
about the interaction of async tasks and existing threads.
The same functionality can still be implemented using run_in_thread()
or block_in_thread() instead. In the big picture, the problem
being solved might not be that common. So, in the interest
of making Curio smaller, abide() has ridden off into the sunset.

09/08/2019 Removed BoundedSemaphore.

09/03/2019 Removed the experimental aside() functionality. Too much
magic. Better left to others.

09/03/2019 Removed the gather() function. Use TaskGroup instead.

09/03/2019 Removed get_all_tasks() function.

09/03/2019 Removed the Task.pdb() method.

09/03/2019 Removed the Task.interrupt() method.

09/03/2019 The pointless (and completely unused) name argument to TaskGroup()
has been removed.

08/09/2019 Exceptions raised inside the Curio kernel itself are no longer
reported to tasks. Instead, they cause Curio to die. The
kernel is never supposed to raise exceptions on its own--any
exception that might be raised is an internal programming error.
This change should not impact user-level code, but might affect
uncontrolled Ctrl-C handling. If a KeyboardInterrupt occurs
in the middle of kernel-level code, it will cause an uncontrolled
death. If this actually matters to you, then modify your code to
properly handle Ctrl-C via signal handling.

04/14/2019 The Channel.connect() method no longer implements auto-retry.
In practice, this kind of feature can cause interference. Better
to let the caller do the retry if they want.

04/14/2019 Simplified the implementation and semantics of cancellation control.
The enable_cancellation() function has been removed. It is now
only possible to disable cancellation. Nesting is still allowed.
Pending cancellation exceptions are raised on the first blocking
call executed when reenabled. The check_cancellation() function
can be used to explicitly check for cancellation as before.

03/09/2019 Fixed a bug in network.open_connection() that was passing arguments
incorrectly. Issue 291.

11/18/2018 Removed code that attempted to detect unsafe async generator
functions. Such code is now executed without checks or
warnings. It's still possible that code in finally blocks
might not execute unless you use curio.meta.finalize() or
a function such as async_generator.aclosing() (third party).
The safe_generator decorator is now also unnecessary.

11/11/2018 Removed the wait argument to TaskGroup.join(). The waiting policy
for task groups is specified in the TaskGroup constructor. For

with TaskGroup(wait=any) as group:

09/05/2018 Tasks submitted to no longer log exceptions should they
crash. Such tasks already return immediately to the caller with the
exception raised.

09/05/2018 Refinement to Kernel.__exit__() to make sure the kernel shuts down
regardless of any exceptions that have occurred. See Issue 275.

04/29/2018 New task-related function. get_all_tasks() returns a list of all active
Tasks. For example:

tasks = await get_all_tasks()

Tasks also have a where() method that returns a (filename, lineno) tuple
indicating where they are executing.

04/29/2018 Curio now properly allows async context managers to be defined using
context.asynccontextmanager. Issue 247.

04/29/2018 Removed the cancel_remaining keyword argument from TaskGroup.next_done()

04/28/2018 Added new "object" wait mode to TaskGroup. It waits for the
first non-None result to be returned by a task. Then all
remaining tasks are cancelled. For example:

async def coro1():
await sleep(1)
return None

async def coro2():
await sleep(2)
return 37

async def coro3():
await sleep(3)
return 42

async with TaskGroup(wait=object) as tg:
await tg.spawn(coro1) Ignored (returns None)
await tg.spawn(coro2) Returns result
await tg.spawn(coro3) Cancelled

print(tg.completed.result) -> 37

04/27/2018 Removed the ignore_result keyword argument to TaskGroup.spawn().
It's not really needed and the extra complexity isn't worth it.

04/27/2018 Added TaskGroup.next_result() function. It's mostly a convenience
function for returning the result of the next task that completes.
If the task failed with an exception, that exception is raised.

04/14/2018 Changed the method of spawning processes for run_in_process to
use the "spawn" method of the multiprocessing module. This
prevents issues of having open file-descriptors cloned by
accident via fork(). For example, as in Issue 256.

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