This release introduces our top feature request and a major project milestone: Curve v2 Cryptoswap simulations. Both Cryptoswap factory pools and Cryptoswap-NG pools are supported and tested against their vyper counterparts.
Cryptoswap simulations can be run using the same interface and pipelines used for Curve v1 Stableswap pools, e.g.:
triCRV = "0x4ebdf703948ddcea3b11f675b4d1fba9d2414a14"
res = curvesim.autosim(triCRV, A=[270000, 2700000], gamma=[1300000000000, 13000000000])
This release is marked as "beta" due to three known limitations, which we expect to remedy shortly:
- Estimates of total volume may be innacurate for v2 pools. For now, we recommend using the `vol_mult` argument to specify the estimated proportion of total token volume that passes through the pool (e.g., `vol_mult=0.3` if 30% of market volume uses the pool).
- The current CoinGecko data source only provides price data at up to 1 hour intervals, which may be insufficient for robust simulation of v2 pools. We are currently working to find and integrate a better data source.
- While simulations are fully functioning, complete pythonic interaction with 3-coin cryptopools is not yet available.
A detailed list of changes and enhancements are available in the [changelog](