
Latest version: v1.1.1

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- Updated plotter:
- Created '_curvipy.ScreenConfiguration(window_title, background_color, window_width, window_height)_'.
- Removed '_window_title_' and '_background_color_' attributes from '_curvipy.Plotter_' as they are now defined at '_curvipy.ScreenConfiguration_'.
- Updated '_curvipy.AxesConfiguration_' attributes:
- Added '_show_axes_direction_'
- Added '_x_ticks_distance_' and '_y_ticks_distance_'
- Removed '_x_axis_scale_' and '_y_axis_scale_'
- Renamed '_x_axis_ticks_' and '_y_axis_ticks_' to '_x_ticks_' and '_y_ticks_'
- Renamed '_x_axis_tick_decimals_' and '_y_axis_tick_decimals_' to '_x_ticks_decimals_' and '_y_ticks_decimals_'
- Renamed '_x_axis_tick_number_align_' and '_y_axis_tick_number_align_' to '_x_ticks_align_' and '_y_ticks_align_'
- Renamed '_tick_number_color_' to '_ticks_color_'
- Renamed '_tick_number_font_' to '_ticks_font_'
- Updated '_curvipy.PlottingConfiguration_' attributes:
- Removed '_PlottingConfiguration.show_vector_values_'
- Removed '_PlottingConfiguration.vector_values_line_color_'
- Removed '_PlottingConfiguration.vector_values_line_width_'


- Updated plotter:
- '_**curvipy.Plotter**_' now draws axes ticks and arrows (to indicate the axis direction).
- Removed '_**interval: curvipy.Interval**_' parameter of '_**curvipy.Plotter.plot_curve()**_' and '_**curvipy.Plotter.plot_animated_curve()**_' methods.
- '_**curvipy.Plotter.plot_vector()**_' can now display vector's components.
- Created '_**curvipy.PlottingConfiguration**_' and '_**curvipy.AxesConfiguration**_'
- Updated '_**curvipy.Plotter**_' builder parameters to '_**curvipy.Plotter(window_title: str = "Curvipy", background_color: str = "FFFFFF", plotting_config: PlottingConfiguration, axes_config: AxesConfiguration)**_'.
- Now '_**x_axis_scale**_' and '_**y_axis_scale**_' (defined at _**curvipy.AxesConfiguration**_') can take any real value (negative or positive) and default to one.
- Updated vector:
- Added vector, addition, subtraction, scaling and equality.
- Created '_****_' method which moves the vector to a specified set of coordinates.
- Updated curves:
- Removed '_**interval: curvipy.Interval**_' parameter of '_**curvipy.Curve.points()**_' method.
- Added '_**interval: curvipy.Interval**_' parameter to '_**curvipy.Function**_' and '_**curvipy.ParametricFunction**_' builder.
- Updated documentation.


This update brings a structure improvement and better documentation. Curvipy 1.0.0 scripts are completely compatible with this new version:
- Made modules private. Now importing curvipy will only import its classes.
- Created 'curvipy._screen' module. This module contains the 'ScreenFacade' class which encapsulates the turtle package functionalities.
- Updated documentation.


- Added 'curvipy.curve' module. This module contains the classes:
- 'Curve': base class for all two-dimensional curves.
- 'Function': unction that given a real number returns another real number.
- 'ParametricFunction': function that given a real number returns a 2-dimensional vector.
- 'TransformedCurve': applies a linear transformation to the given curve.
- Added 'curvipy.interval' module. This module contains the class 'Interval', which is the interval in which a curve will be plotted.
- Added 'curvipy.vector' module. This module contains the class 'Vector', which is a two-dimensional vector.
- Updated 'curvipy.graphing_calculator' module (now named 'curvipy.plotter'):
- Renamed 'curvipy.graphing_calculator' to 'curvipy.plotter' and its class 'GraphingCalculator' to 'Plotter'.
- Replaced methods 'draw_vector', 'draw_curve' and 'draw_animated_curve' with 'plot_vector', 'plot_curve' and 'plot_animated_curve' respectively.
- Deleted 'curvipy.lintrans' module. Linear transformations can now be defined with 'curvipy.TransformedCurve' class.
- Updated README and docs.
- Deleted 'examples' folder since README and docs now contains a **Usage Example** section.



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