- Major Update: If you experience any problems with this version, try the previous version (v1.7.2) and compare the results. If the problem persists, please report it to GitHub issues.
- The scripts in `juicer/scripts/common` used in Juicer were replaced to the original C codes and the computational time of Juicer is dramatically improved.
- Replaced `chimeric_blacklist.awk` with `Juicer_chimeric_blacklist`
- Replaced `dups.awk` with `Juicer_remove_duplicate`
- Replaced `fragment.pl` with `Juicer_fragment`
- Replaced `statistics.pl` with `Juicer_statistics`
- During this improvement I found a bug in `chimeric_blacklist.awk` where the names of non-autosomes (e.g. chrX and chrY) were not distinguished. This bug has been fixed in the new `Juicer_chimeric_blacklist`.
- This bug seems to be related to the new version of Juicer, which uses the chromosome names chr1,chr2,chr3, not 1,2,3. I have confirmed that the output of `Juicer_chimeric_blacklist` is identical to the older Juicer.
- Added the Jupyter notebooks for the CustardPy API in the `tutorial/` directory.
- Added the notebooks to the Manual.
- Updated HiC1Dmetrics from v0.2.5 to v0.2.9