* :pr:`725`: Added a ``--max-average-error-rate``/``--max-aer`` option to add a filter
that checks if the number of expected errors divided by read length is above a
certain threshold. The expected errors are calculated the same as in
``--max-expected-errors``, and dividing by read length helps for reads that
have varying lengths.
* :issue:`696`: Added a histogram of the lengths of removed poly-A tails to
the report.
* :issue:`696`: For paired-end data, ``--poly-a`` was changed to trim poly-T
"heads" on R2 (this is still experimental as it is unclear whether that is
the desired behavior. Please give feedback!)
* A poly-A tail is only removed if it is at least three nucleotides long.
* :issue:`734`: Fixed misassignments during demultiplexing that would sometimes
happen when there are collisions between adapter sequences
(when the warning "sequence ... cannot be assigned uniquely" was printed).
Previously, sequences could incorrectly be assigned to an adapter that is not
actually the best match.