New Features
- **Horizontal Plots**: Users can now create horizontal layout plots, providing compact data visualization. This can be achieved by setting `horizontal=True` in the `plot()` method.
- **Forest Plots**: Forest plots provide a simple and intuitive way to visualize many delta-delta (or Deltas’ g), mini-meta, or regular delta effect sizes at once from multiple different dabest objects without presenting the raw data.
- **Gridkey**: Users can now represent their experimental labels in a gridkey format. This can be accessed with the `gridkey` argument in the `plot()` method.
- **Aesthetic Updates**: We have made several aesthetic improvements to the plots, including:
- **Raw, Contrast, and Summary bars**: We added bars highlighting the various groups' differences. These bars can be customized to suit the user’s needs. Raw and contrast bars are provided by default, summary bars can be added by the user.
- **Delta-Delta and Mini-Meta Plots**: We have adjusted the spacing of delta-delta and mini-meta plots to reduce whitespace. The new format brings the added effect size closer to the regular effect sizes. In addition, delta-delta plots now have a gap in the zeroline to separate the delta-delta and regular effect sizes.
- **Delta-delta Effect Sizes for Proportion Plots**: Delta-delta experimental plotting now supports binary data.
- **Proportion Plots Sample Sizes**: The sample size of each binary option for each group can now be displayed. These can be toggled on or off via the `prop_sample_counts` parameter.
- **Effect Size Lines for Paired Plots**: Paired plots now display lines linking the effect sizes within a group together in the contrast axes. These can be toggled on or off via the `contrast_paired_lines` parameter.
- **Baseline Error Curves**: Baseline error dot and curve are now available to represent the baseline/control group in the contrast axes. The dot is shown by default, while the curve can be toggled on/off by the user (via the `show_baseline_ec` parameter).
- **Delta Text**: Effect size deltas are now displayed as text next to their respective effect size. This can be toggled on or off via the `delta_text` parameter.
- **Empty Circle Color Palette**: A new swarmplot color palette modification is available for unpaired plots via the `empty_circle` parameter in the `plot()` method. This option modifies the two-group swarmplots to have empty circles for the control group and filled circles for the experimental group.
- **Python 3.13 Support**: DABEST now supports Python 3.10-3.13.
- **Numba for Speed Improvements**: We have included Numba to speed up the various calculations in DABEST. This should make the calculations faster and more efficient. Importing DABEST may take a little longer than before, and a progress bar will appear during the import process to show the calculations being performed. Once imported, loading and plotting data should now be faster.
- **Terminology Updates**: We have made several updates to the documentation and terminology to improve clarity and consistency. For example:
- Plot arguments have been adjusted to bring more clarity and consistency in naming. Arguments relating to the rawdata plot axis will now be typically referred to with ‘raw’ while arguments relating to the contrast axis will be referred to with ‘contrast’. For example, ‘raw_label’ replaces ‘swarm_label’ and ‘bar_label’. The various kwargs relating to each different type of plot (e.g., swarmplot_kwargs) remain unchanged.
- The method to utilise the Deltas’ g effect size is now via the .hedges_g.plot() method rather than creating a whole new Delta_g object as before. The functionality remains the same, it plots hedges_g effect sizes and then the Deltas’ g effect size alongside these (if a delta-delta experiment was loaded correctly).
- **Updated Tutorial Pages**: We have updated the tutorial pages to reflect the new features and changes. The tutorial pages are now more comprehensive and (hopefully!) more intuitive!
- **Results Dataframe for Delta-delta and Mini-meta Plots**: A results dataframe can now be extracted for both the delta-delta and mini-meta effect size data (similar to the results dataframe for the regular effect sizes). These can be found via the `.results` attribute of the `.delta_delta` or `.mini_meta` object.