
Latest version: v4.20.116

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What's Changed
* feat: better batch by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/476
* feat: skip formatters for eth_call by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/478
* feat: optimize JSONRPCBatch.spoof_response by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/482
* feat: dont retry successful calls in a failed batch by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/488
* feat: add mcall retries to exist. batch instead of new by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/487
* fix: broken import on older web3py versions by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/477 and https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/479
* fix: dont retry whole batch when err was in a multicall by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/483
* fix: bisected multicall by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/489
* chore: refactor by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/481
* chore: add gc logger to RPCRequest cls by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/484
* chore: cleanup stack logging, it didnt work as intended by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/486
* chore: cleanup eth_call repr by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/485
* chore: cleanup error logger output by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/480
* chore: bump version to 4.20.116 by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/490
* fix(mypy): fix mypy err by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/475

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/compare/v4.20.115...v4.20.116


What's Changed
* feat: speed up _RequestEvent internal helper by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/365
* feat: refactor out abc to reduce per-request overhead by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/368
* feat: optimize `Contract.__getattribute__` by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/374
* feat: better array encoder by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/375
* feat: cache response formatters by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/376
* feat: use `__slots__` in helpers by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/378
* feat: igather by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/383
* feat: igather by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/385
* feat: patch eth_utils with faster utils by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/391
* feat: _Batch._batcher property for faster access by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/393
* feat: _debug_logs_enabled param to save cpu cycles by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/398
* feat: single thread cached_property by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/405
* feat: lru_cache_lite by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/404
* feat: _debug_logs_enabled param to save cpu cycles by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/406
* feat: gatherish by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/387
* feat: separate error logger by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/407
* feat: optimize _Batch.start and RPCRequest._started by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/415
* feat: use asyncio.Future for results by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/410
* feat: alias instance methods in tight loops by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/421
* feat: send bisected multicalls as a jsonrpc batch by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/417
* feat: dummy semaphore for all methods beside eth_call by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/436
* feat: premature deletion err logger by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/437
* feat: Error.to_dict method for faster unpacking by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/451
* feat: optimize WeakList.extend by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/456
* feat: optimize Multicall.spoof_response by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/457
* feat: optimize request formatters by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/455
* feat: deprecate method semaphores by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/433
* feat: faster formatters by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/466
* feat: faster yield_to_loop by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/471
* feat: no recursive Attrdict wrapping for errors by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/472
* feat: RPCRequest._tiny_batches cached attr by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/474
* feat: more faster formatters by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/468

* fix: add batch len to err msgs by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/367
* fix: lost a debugging method during prev refactor by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/380
* fix: decoding single calls to Raw type by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/379
* fix: occasional NoneType responses by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/392
* fix: log_internal_error 'coroutine' object is not iterable by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/395
* fix: allow ContractLogicError to bubble up by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/397
* fix: revert ContractLogicError exc by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/399
* fix: incorrect of args for log_internal_error by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/401
* fix: invalid state by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/422
* fix: invalid state error in future.set_exception by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/423
* fix: exception equality check by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/425
* fix: debug daemon refactor error by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/424
* fix: fut.set_result x2 by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/426
* fix: AttributeError by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/427
* fix: Multicall repr when block is "latest" by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/418
* fix: accidental cleanups by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/420
* fix: Exception matching logic when not exactly equal by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/428
* fix: shield batch from premature cancellation by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/431
* fix: unhashable type eth_call by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/438
* fix: send single multicall as single multicall, no batch by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/442
* fix: missing imports by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/444
* fix: name mangling error by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/445
* fix: InvalidStateError edge case from duplicate call by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/446
* fix: make strong refs by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/453
* fix: refactor messup in if else clause by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/452
* fix: non-blocking create_duplicate after timeout by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/435
* AttributeError: 'Error' object has no attribute 'data' by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/454
* fix: RecursionError by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/458
* fix: ExceptionAlreadySet in retry code by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/460
* fix: revert accidental commit by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/463
* fix: ExceptionAlreadySet error when call is cloned by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/473

* chore: add batch len to err msgs by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/366
* chore: extract module _multicall.py by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/369
* chore: refactor exc handling by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/370
* chore: add batch detail to excs by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/371
* chore: add failing request data to error logs by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/372
* chore: extract module by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/373
* chore: refactor by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/377
* chore: use iterator instead of building extra dict by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/382
* chore: refactor error logging by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/386
* chore: refactor big ugly if else case by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/389
* chore: extract method controller._use_full_request by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/400
* chore: refactor with tee by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/390
* chore: hold defaults as class vars for faster init and smaller ram by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/394
* chore: use separate logger for logging batch size changes by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/403
* chore: extract func _needs_full_request_spec by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/402
* chore: display block number as integer in Multicall repr by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/409
* chore: extract gatherish to new module by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/408
* chore: deduplicate loggers by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/411
* chore: refactor RPCRequest.get_response by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/413
* chore: remove deprecated err handlers by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/412
* chore: refactor out DankBatch.start by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/419
* chore: check is None instead of bool by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/432
* chore: cleanup exc logging by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/430
* chore: remove unused attribute by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/434
* chore: cleanup gc err logs by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/440
* chore: refactor `__del__` by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/441
* chore: add 'started' flag to batch repr by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/443
* chore: add log kwarg to cleanup excessive err logs by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/448
* chore: cleanup gc logs from unbatched requests by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/449
* chore: log stack details in create_duplicate by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/439
* chore: cleanup gc logs from unbatched requests by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/450
* chore: remove handler from debugging by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/459
* chore: refactor error logging by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/462
* chore: update lockfile by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/464
* chore: nest if check by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/461
* chore: fix exc text by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/465
* chore: refactor formatters by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/467

* fix(mypy): fix await hint by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/388
* fix(mypy): timeout hints by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/414
* fix(mypy): init type hint by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/416
* fix(mypy): fix mypy errs by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/470

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/compare/v4.20.114...v4.20.115


What's Changed
* feat: refactor out repetitive attr lookup by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/350
* feat: refactor out unnecessary cachedproperties in brownie_patch by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/361
* feat: use genexp instead of listcomp by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/360

* fix: batch encoding when full request required by node by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/358
* fix: missing jsonrpc field required for OP stack clients by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/355
* fix: properly decode error response for unbatched calls by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/356
* fix: revert refactor method semaphores by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/362

* chore: refactor by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/336
* chore: refactor method semaphores by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/352
* chore: refactor out method semaphores by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/353
* chore: add raw bytes to DecodeError by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/363 and https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/364

Reverted in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/362:
* feat: deprecate eth_getTransaction semaphore by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/351
* fix: AttributeError: 'DankMiddlewareController' object has no attribu… by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/354

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/compare/v4.20.113...v4.20.114


What's Changed
* chore: disable web3.RequestManager logger by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/338
* feat: step down rate limit more aggressively on 529s by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/339
* feat: optimize rate limiting logic by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/340
* fix: workaround check in limiter dep by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/341
* chore: suppress logs for 'error processing call Revert' by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/342
* fix: change rate limit to slow drippy instead of bursty by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/343
* feat: better logic again by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/344
* feat: MIN_REQUESTS_PER_SECOND env var by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/345
* chore: update lockfile by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/347
* feat: optimize controller attr lookups by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/346
* chore: bump version by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/348
* fix: deallocation error at script end by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/349

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/compare/v4.20.112...v4.20.113


What's Changed
* feat: optimize request classes by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/321
* feat: allow more large calls into each batch by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/323
* feat: remove max connections limit by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/322
* feat: REQUESTS_PER_SECOND env var and auto-adjusting limit by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/331
* feat: rip out eth_getLogs semaphore by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/330
* feat: add sleep into rate_limit_inactive by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/334
* feat: increase sleep time after 529 by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/335
* feat: increase magnitude of rate limit step down by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/337
* fix: _get_len_for_method internal helper by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/324
* fix: _RequestEvent debug daemon by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/325
* fix: skip env var logger setup if already onfigured by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/328
* fix: endless loop by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/332
* chore: bump typed-envs to fix startup env var logs by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/327
* chore: update lockfile by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/329
* chore: bump version to 4.20.112 by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/333

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/compare/v4.20.111...v4.20.112


What's Changed
* feat: support EIP-4844 type 3 transactions by BobTheBuidler in https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/pull/320

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/BobTheBuidler/dank_mids/compare/v4.20.110...v4.20.111

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