
Latest version: v3.4.4.0

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* Fixed bug leading to inconsistent heatmap record shapes when Darshan
shared file reductions are disabled
- also added a darshan-util fix to resolve this inconsisency on already
impacted logs (any generated with 3.4.0+ versions of Darshan)
* Added workaround for potential undefined symbol errors for 'H5FD_mpio_init'
when LD_PRELOADing an HDF5-enabled runtime library
- bug triggered by 1.13+ versions of HDF5


* Added new configure option '--with-username-env' to allow
specification of an env variable to use to find the username
associated with a job (e.g., SLURM_JOB_USER)
* Fixed bug causing crashes for applications that call fork()
and use Darshan app exclusions settings
* Fixed bug related to not closing open HDF5 file ID when
instrumenting H5Fflush() calls (reported/fixed by Zanhua


* Fixed segfault when defining scalar variables in PnetCDF module
* Fixed memory corruption (and potential segfault) when
reading/writing high-dimensional PnetCDF variables using
vara/vars/varm interfaces
* Fixed crashes related to using PnetCDF vard interfaces with input
* Fixed bug attributing all PnetCDF variable instrumentation to the
first variable instrumented


* Added comprehensive instrumentation of PnetCDF APIs via PNETCDF_FILE and
PNETCDF_VAR modules (contributed by Wei-Keng Liao)
- disabled by default, enabled by passing `--enable-pnetcdf-mod` to
* Modified Darshan log format to support a max of 64 instrumentation
modules, since the current version of Darshan reached the old max (16)
* Modified Darshan to report job start/end times at nanosecond
granularity (previously only second granularity was possible)
* Added support for instrumenting H5Oopen family of calls
* Modified HDF5 module extraction of dataspase selection details
- Extraction of point selections now possible regardless of HDF5 version
- H5S_ALL selections are no longer counted as regular hyperslab accesses
* Fixed bug causing no instrumentation of child processes of fork() calls
(reported by Rui Wang)
* Deprecated --file-list and --file-list-detailed options in darshan-parser
* Added "darshan_accumulator" API to the logutils library
- _create(), _inject(), _emit(), and _destroy()
- generalizes the mechanism for producing summation records and derived
metrics for sets of records from a given module
- refactored darshan-parser to use new API
- implemented support for accumulators in POSIX, STDIO, and MPIIO modules
* Fixed memory leak in darshan-util helper functions used by PyDarshan
- darshan_log_get_name_records
- darshan_log_get_filtered_name_records
* Integrated the µnit Testing Framework in darshan-util
- implemented unit tests for darshan_accumlator API


* Fix segfault affecting new DARSHAN_MOD_DISABLE/ENABLE environment variables
* Fix divide-by-zero condition that can potentially be triggered by new
heatmap module
* Fix potential MPI errors related to calling MPI_Type_size() on a
user-supplied MPI_DATATYPE_NULL type (reported by Jim Edwards)
* cuserid() is no longer the default method for determining username, and must
be manually enabled at configure time
* Fix backwards compatibility bug affecting darshan-3.0.0 logs in darshan-util
C library functions used by PyDarshan
* Suppress noisy output warnings when using darshan-job-summary.pl
* Clarify units displayed by darshan-job-summary.pl (reported by Jeff Layton)


* Add a new "heatmap" module that records histograms of I/O traffic over time
on each process
* Performance optimizations to runtime wrappers to limit function call
overhead and locking costs
* Replace mutex locks with atomics in core library
* Add optional, limited support for RDTSCP-based timing, enabled via
--enable-rdtscp at configure time
* Remove unecessary explicit mpich binding libraries from link line when static linking
* Graceful warnings when parsing log files with unknown module types
* Remove deprecated performance estimate methods from darshan-parser
* Add two new derived metrics to darshan-parser --perf: agg_time_by_slowest
(total elapsed time performing I/O by the slowest rank) and
slowest_rank_rw_only_time (total elapsed time performing read/write
operations by the slowest rank)
* Add unified Darshan configuration support via env vars and config files
* Adopt automake and libtool for Darshan build, and allow top-level build
of both darshan-runtime and darshan-util (contributed by Wei-Keng Liao)
* Increase default memory limit for record names (NAMEMEM config setting)
to 1 MiB

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