* In `cdist`, use `_asarray` only for custom metrics. 67
* Fix a typo in `mahalanobis`' docstring. 68
* Document `cdist`'s/`pdist`'s keyword arguments V, VI, and w. 69
* Test `cdist`'s result shapes match. 70
* Simplify `_cdist_apply`. 72
* Fix spacing in `_cdist_apply`. 74
* Drop repeat in `_broadcast_uv`. 73
* Find `pdist` with known shape. 71
* In `cdist`, convert arrays to float then broadcast. 76
* Fix handling of metric string in `pdist`. 77
* Drop rechunking of `cdist`'s result. 78
* Use `_irange` in `pdist`. 80
* Support a single point in `pdist`. 83
* Add `_atleast_2d`. 86
* Drop unneeded Dask version check from tests. 85
* Set `pdist`'s default argument for known metrics. 87
* Format input array in `pdist`. 88
* Add `squareform`. 89
* Optimize `squareform`'s square matrix construction. 91