:warning: Update Requires Manual Intervention :warning:
If you are using a `4.2.x` SHM and want to upgrade to `4.2.2`, please follow the steps below:
For the SHM:
1. Add a `docker` section to your SHM config with a username and personal access token (following the SHM deployment instructions)
1. Re-run `Setup_SHM_Networking.ps1 -shmId {shm}` from `deployment/safe_haven_management/setup`
For any SRE that you deployed using an earlier `4.2.x` version:
1. Delete the `GUACAMOLE-SRE-{sreId}` VM and associated resources from the
`RG_SHM_{shmId}_SRE_{sreId}_REMOTE_DESKTOP` resource group
1. Re-run the deployment script `Deploy_SRE.ps1 -shmId {shm} -sreId {sre} -VmSizes {as before}` from `deployment/secure_research_environment/setup`
Known issues
- As for 4.2.0, 4.2.1
Bug Fixes
- Workaround for an issue where Let's Encrypt refused to provide certificates for uppercase FQDNs 1938
- Fix for change in Azure supported public IP address SKU for VPNs, which prevented deployment of the virtual network gateway for accessing domain controllers 1947
- Require supply of Docker Hub credentials to work round change in Docker download rate limits 1994
- Update approved IP address list for Ubuntu apt repositories
- Update to backup policy rules for Blob storage 1988
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/data-safe-haven/compare/v4.2.1...v4.2.2