- new support for multiple sites (DBs, files etc.) per environment
- new support for datapusher
- new support for ckanext-spatial
- new migrate command: migrate data directory formats between
pre-multisite and post-multisite versions of datacats
- new reset command: reset DBs, files etc. to a default post-create
state for a site
- init, create: now add postgis SQL to new DBs created
- create: now includes datapusher in the source directory by default
- tweak: new command can add postgis SQL to existing DBs
- lessc now streams output to show errors
- start, reload: new --no-watch option to prevent automatic paster
reload on file changes, useful when testing updates to static files
- create, init, logs, open, paster, purge, reload, reset, shell,
start, stop: new --site option to specify site
- bigger, shinier tracebacks and error messages