* additional analysis & preparation steps enabled by qsv
* blazing fast, guaranteed data type inferences with comprehensive descriptive statistics
* configurable Excel/ODS exports (supports XLS, XLSX, ODS, XLSM, and XLSB formats)
* automatic deduplication (
* [RFC 4180]( validation and UTF-8 transcoding of CSV files
* smart date inferencing (
* automatic preview subset creation
* DP+ optimized qsv binary (qsvdp) - which is 6x smaller than regular qsv, 3x smaller than qsvlite, and with
the self-update engine removed.
* added an init_db command for initializing jobs_store db by [categulario]( (
* automatic resource alias (aka Postgres view) creation (
* added JOB_CONFIG environment variable by [categulario]( (
* added package install by [categulario]( (
* Postgres COPY to datastore
* additional data types inferred and changed postgres type mapping
(String -> text; Float -> numeric; Integer -> numeric; Date -> timestamp;
DateTime -> timestamp; NULL -> text)
* added requirement to create a Postgres application role/user with SUPERUSER privs
to do native Postgres operations through psycopg2
* added more verbose logging with elapsed time per phase (Analysis & Preparation Phase,
Copy Phase, Total elapsed time)
* added Containerfile reference by [categulario]( (
* added `datasize` dependency for human-readable file sizes in messages
* added a Changelog using the Keep a Changelog template.
* published `datapusher-plus` on pypi
* added a GitHub action to publish a pypi package on release
* added a Roadmap Tracking EPIC, that will always be updated as DP+ evolves
* DP+ requires at least Python 3.7, as it needs `CAPTURE_OUTPUT` option in ``.
It should still continue to work with CKAN<=2.8 as it runs in its own virtualenv.
* replaced messytables with qsv
* removed old "chunked" datastore inserts
* removed requirements.txt, requirements/dependencies are now in
* expanded documentation - rationale for DP+; addl config vars; modified installation procedure; scnshots; etc.
* improvements to install instructions by [categulario]( (
* made DP+ a detached Datapusher fork to maintain own issue tracker, discussions, releases, etc.