A new feature has been added to DAXA - the XMMPointed class will automatically fail over from accessing observation info, and downloading observations, through AstroQuery/XSA to accessing/downloading from HEASARC, in the case where AstroQuery cannot connect to the internet. We have observed this problem on some HPCs, with compute node proxy configurations not allowing the connection.
We have also fixed a small unintended behaviour - Chandra processing and archive assembly through DAXA will now keep the mask file, rather than deleting it.
What's Changed
* Adding the assemble_archive_from_position function into the docs by jessicapilling in
* Tried specifying an exact version of Sphinx that I know works in the … by DavidT3 in
* Bug/xmm pointed heasarc fail over by DavidT3 in
* Bug/keep chandra mask files by DavidT3 in
**Full Changelog**: