- Reworked `__repr__` and `__str__` methods on all classes. They are now much simplier and more readable. - Comments on classes are now rendered as SQL comments in `sql` property (previously notes were rendered as comments on some classes). - Notes on `Table` and `Column` classes are rendered as SQL comments in `sql` property: `COMMENT ON TABLE "x" is 'y'`. - New: `dbml` property on most classes and on parsed results which returns the DBML code. - Fix: sql for Reference and TableReference.
- New: Support composite references. **Breaks backward compatibility!** `col1`, `col2` attributes on `Reference` and `col`, `ref_col` attributes on `TableReference` are now lists of `Column` instead of `Column`. - `TableGroup` now holds references to actual tables.
- New: Support references by aliases. - New: Support indexes with expressions. - New: You can now compare SQLObjects of same class. - New: Add check for duplicate references on a table. - Fix: minor bug fixes.
- Notes are now added as comments in SQL for tables, table columns, indeces, enums.
- Fix: bug in TableReference - Fix: if schema had newline or comment at the end, it crashed parser