
Latest version: v0.1.0

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Please see the full release notes at https://spacepy.github.io/dbprocessing/release_notes.html

This is the first public packaged release of dbprocessing. For the convenience of those working directly from git checkouts, these release notes summarize changes made since the creation of the public repository on 2020-07-15.

New features

- Support for processes that take no input was added, as part of many enhancements to `DBRunner.py`.
- New script `linkUningested.py` to find files which match product format but are not in database, and symlink them to the incoming directory so they can be ingested.
- Python 3 support was added.
- Added options `--count`, `--exist`, and `--quiet` to `printProcessQueue.py` to allow flow control in shell scripts based on the process queue state.
- Added options `--product` to filter output and `--sort` to `printProcessQueue.py` to sort output.
- Initial PostgreSQL support was added.

Deprecations and removals


Dependency requirements

SQLAlchemy and dateutil are required. No minimum version has been established, but dbprocessing is known to work with SQLAlchemy 1.1 and dateutil 2.6.

Major bugfixes

- Fixed `ProcessQueue.buildChildren` on older databases without `yesterday` and `tomorrow` columns in the `Productprocesslink` table.
- Fixed `runMe` to always maintain the `output_interface` version specified by the code. Updates to a code's interface version will increment the quality version of its output (not the interface); updates to a file's interface version will increment the quality version of child files (rather than assuming children were up-to-date and failing to reprocess them).
- Fixed `buildChildren` to only look for files which are recorded in the database as existing on disk. Most notably, this means `ProcessQueue.py` will not attempt to use nonexistent files as inputs to processing.



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