This is the third release of dcos-deploy. Changes include: * New entity httpcall * Support for loops * Support for Edge-LB 1.5 * More options for s3file entity to better work with custom minio installations * More options for cert entitiy * "state: removed" for package repositories (to e.g. delete the included universe repo in air-gapped scenarios) * Support for username+password authentication for DC/OS login * Support for the changed metronome API in DC/OS 1.13 * Better comparison for app definitions to avoid false positives
This is the second release of dcos-deploy with many new features and changes:
* Support for deleting entities * Diff support for s3 files and unified diff format for all diffs * Optionally retrieve DC/OS authentication information from environment variables * Optionally use DC/OS serviceaccount for authentication * Dependent variables for marathon apps for more flexibel configuration * Support for new metronome and edge-lb versions * Global config for recurring parameters * Improved handling of dependencies between entities * Various bug fixes
To install use either * pypi (`pip install dcos-deploy==0.2.0`) * download binary (currently only available for linux)
This is the first public release of dcos-deploy. For usage see README.
We provide standalone binaries (produced with pyinstaller) for linux, mac and windows. You can also install it via pip (`pip install dcos-deploy==0.1.0`) if the binary does not work for you.