**Noteworthy changes:**
- Switch from :pypi:`requests` to :pypi:`six` (``six.moves.urllib.request``).
The ``debuntu-nodejs-installer`` program needs to make two HTTPS requests and
until now used :pypi:`requests` to do so. However :pypi:`requests` pulls in
quite a few dependencies (:pypi:`certifi`, :pypi:`chardet`, :pypi:`idna` and
On older Python 2.7 releases :pypi:`requests` was needed to provide proper
TLS support including SNI, however with most of the world moving on to modern
Python releases the simple responsibility of making two HTTPS requests no
longer warrants five dependencies...
Besides, :pypi:`six` was already part of the transitive requirements and the
code changes required were minimal. I also got to remove most of the
complexity from ``setup.py``.
- Make it possible to instruct the Python API of ``upgrade-remote-system`` to
perform a reboot regardless of whether this is required by package updates.
- Updated the usage messages embedded in the readme.
**Miscellaneous changes:**
- Update Ubuntu releases mentioned in readme.
- Update PyPI and RTD links in readme.
- Use console highlighting in readme.
- Refactored makefile (use Python 3 for local development, treat Sphinx
warnings as errors, etc).
- Fixed existing Sphinx reference warnings.
- Bumped requirements, fixed deprecated imports.
.. _Release 0.9: https://github.com/xolox/python-debuntu-tools/compare/0.8...0.9