What's Changed
* Update pyproject.toml to switch from poetry to setuptools by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/5
* Infer version number from git tags thanks to setuptools_scm by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/6
* Use pre-commit for linters by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/7
* Update test workflow by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/8
* Fix pre-commit settings for tutorial notebooks by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/9
* Rename test files to be found by pytest and stay consistent by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/10
* Add a test importing each submodule of decomon by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/11
* Make ortools dependency optional by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/12
* Update python badge from readme with >=3.7 by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/4
* Fix default arguments that were mutable by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/16
* Clean code with changes proposed by code.review.doctor by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/17
* Relax condition on tensorflow dependency by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/13
* Fix pycharm inspections by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/18
* Launch test suite also on windows and macos by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/21
* Clean comments and prints by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/19
* Clean imports by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/20
* Move source code in src/ subdirectory by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/23
* Apply pytest best practices by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/22
* Create a documentation by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/24
* Generate and deploy dev doc via github actions by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/25
* Update publish workflow by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/26
* Add tutorials on colab by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/27
* Test code blocks from doc during test suite by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/28
* Add coverage in test suite by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/29
* Remove fully commented tests by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/30
* Remove numpy and gradient subpackages by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/31
* Remove insecable spaces in markdown files by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/33
* Use x.dtype instead of K.floatx() in K.cast() by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/34
* Remove a try...except that was there for debugging purpose by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/35
* Bump isort pre-commit hook by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/37
* CROWN optimisation time by ducoffeM in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/41
* Lighten parametrization of tests by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/36
* Add a binder environment to launch notebooks on binderhub by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/38
* Pass linters on all files after bumping pre-commit hooks by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/39
* Pass linters on all files by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/42
* Make README point to online documentation by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/40
* Update license to MIT by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/43
* Use generic email address in project metadata by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/44
* Remove deprecated DecomonSequential models by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/45
* Unify decomon syntax throughout the project by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/46
* Remove unused fast argument by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/47
* Replace np.int64 by np.int_ by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/48
* Update notebooks by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/49
* Remove support for python 3.7 by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/50
* Enable visualization of a decomon model graph with tensorboard by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/52
* Upgrade python version to 3.8 for binder environment by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/53
* Fix minor issues in tests by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/57
* Remove deprecated code by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/58
* Rename to_monotonic() as to_decomon() by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/61
* Annotate and fix mypy issues in high-level functions by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/59
* new notebook on decomon for overestimation by ducoffeM in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/54
* Remove code not ready for official library by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/64
* Improve "tutorials" page of online doc by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/62
* Fix mypy issues by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/63
* Add a static type checking step in github workflow by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/68
* Remove `previous` attribute from backward layers by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/67
* Add `slope` argument to all activations, layers, convert and wrapping functions by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/69
* Use "affine" instead of "forward" in code for bounds type by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/74
* Rename DecomonModel main args "inputs" and "outputs" by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/72
* Add information about mypy in contributing doc page by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/71
* Cleaning existing notebooks and add a new header by ducoffeM in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/55
* Pooling hull by ducoffeM in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/65
* Add tests for slope argument by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/73
* Convert layers embedding activation into layer without activation + activation layer by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/75
* Prefix the name of backward layer by the name of the original layer + "_" by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/79
* Remove duplicate code initializing input_tensors for convert/clone by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/77
* Refactor to_decomon(), to_decomon_merge(), and to_backward() by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/80
* Convert deel-lip layers to keras layers before converting to decomon model by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/81
* Use `pytest.skip` when skipping a test because some condition is not met by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/82
* Fix convex_domain use by converting fields to proper enumeration type by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/83
* Update tutos for last code version by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/84
* Fix issues in decomon layers build() by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/88
* Fix reset_layer() in decomon layers by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/87
* Simplify `to_decomon()` under the hypothesis "deel-lip layers are already converted" by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/85
* Remove references to self.linear_layer and self.init_layer by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/86
* Fix typo on subtract by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/89
* Remove finetune parameters for DecomonDense and DecomonConv2D by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/90
* Fix minor issues in notebooks texts by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/91
* Implement DecomonBatchNormalization.call with center or scale = False by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/92
* Fix inputs to use for decomon models in tests by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/96
* Improve and simplify tests by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/93
* Relax required precision for numpy asserts in tests by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/94
* Add tests for clone on more toy models by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/95
* Make variable/arguments names consistent across the library by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/97
* Replace convex domain dictionariess by a specific class PerturbationDomain and subclasses according to its type by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/98
* Fix issue in get_linear_softplus_hull() when finetuning by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/99
* Fix BackwardBatchNormalization.call() by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/100
* backward relaxation of convolution with toeplitz expression by ducoffeM in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/102
* Pooling collapse by ducoffeM in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/103
* Stop triggering binder build on gke by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/104
* Create InputsOutputsSpec class to manage inputs and outputs of deomon layers and functions by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/105
* Add methods get_lower/get_upper/get_x_input_shape to PerturbationDomain by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/106
* Robustify tutorials page generation and fix minor issues in tutorials by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/107
* Adapt code to new version of Keras (>= 2.13) by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/108
* Adapt tutorials to newer version of code by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/109
* Remove unused constant by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/101
* Pass linters by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/110
* Force using tf<2.13 in github actions by nhuet in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/111
New Contributors
* ducoffeM made their first contribution in https://github.com/airbus/decomon/pull/41
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/airbus/decomon/commits/v0.1.0