New Features
- global path for datasets get_data_home() (:gh:`347` by `Julian Tachella`_ and `Thomas Moreau`_)
- New docs user guide (:gh:`347` by `Julian Tachella`_ and `Thomas Moreau`_)
- Added UNSURE loss (:gh:`313` by `Julian Tachella`_)
- Add transform symmetrisation, further transform arithmetic, and new equivariant denoiser (:gh:`259` by `Andrew Wang`_)
- New transforms: multi-axis reflect, time-shift and diffeomorphism (:gh:`259` by `Andrew Wang`_)
- Add wrapper classes for adapting models to take time-sequence 2D+t input (:gh:`296` by `Andrew Wang`_)
- Add sequential MRI operator (:gh:`296` by `Andrew Wang`_)
- Add multi-operator equivariant imaging loss (:gh:`296` by `Andrew Wang`_)
- Add loss schedulers (:gh:`296` by `Andrew Wang`_)
- Add transform symmetrisation, further transform arithmetic, and new equivariant denoiser (:gh:`259` by `Andrew Wang`_)
- New transforms: multi-axis reflect, time-shift and diffeomorphism (:gh:`259` by `Andrew Wang`_)
- Multi-coil MRI, 3D MRI, MRI Mixin (:gh:`287` by `Andrew Wang`_, Brett Levac)
- Add Metric baseclass, unified params (for complex, norm, reduce), typing, tests, L1L2 metric, QNR metric, metrics docs section, Metric functional wrapper (:gh:`309`, :gh:`343` by `Andrew Wang`_)
- generate_dataset features: complex numbers, save/load physics_generator params, overwrite bool (:gh:`324`, :gh:`352` by `Andrew Wang`_)
- Add the Köhler dataset (:gh:`271` by `Jérémy Scanvic`_)
- Fixed sphinx warnings (:gh:`347` by `Julian Tachella`_ and `Thomas Moreau`_)
- Fix cache file initialization in FastMRI Dataloader (:gh:`300` by `Pierre-Antoine Comby`_)
- Fixed prox_l2 no learning option in Trainer (:gh:`304` by `Julian Tachella`_)
- Fixed SSIM to use lightweight torchmetrics function + add MSE and NMSE as metrics + allow PSNR & SSIM to set max pixel on the fly (:gh:`296` by `Andrew Wang`_)
- Fix generate_dataset error with physics_generator and batch_size != 1. (:gh:`315` by apolychronou)
- Fix generate_dataset error not using random physics generator (:gh:`324` by `Andrew Wang`_)
- Fix Scale transform rng device error (:gh:`324` by `Andrew Wang`_)
- Fix bug when using cuda device in dinv.datasets.generate_dataset (:gh:`334` by `Tobias Liaudat`_)
- Update outdated links in the readme (:gh:`366` by `Jérémy Scanvic`_)
- Added direct option to ArtifactRemoval (:gh:`347` by `Julian Tachella`_ and `Thomas Moreau`_)
- Sphinx template to pydata (:gh:`347` by `Julian Tachella`_ and `Thomas Moreau`_)
- Remove metrics from utils and consolidate complex and normalisation options (:gh:`309` by `Andrew Wang`_)
- get_freer_gpu falls back to torch.cuda when nvidia-smi fails (:gh:`352` by `Andrew Wang`_)
- libcpab now is a PyPi package for diffeomorphisms, add rngs and devices to transforms (:gh:`370` by `Andrew Wang`_)