What's Changed * Start testing Python 3.10 by benkiel in https://github.com/robotools/defcon/pull/384 * Add glyphSet argument in _stampLayerInfoDataState by typemytype in https://github.com/robotools/defcon/pull/397 * when guideline.name is set to None remove the name key by typemytype in https://github.com/robotools/defcon/pull/400 * [add __eq__ and __hash__ to FuzzyNumber](https://github.com/robotools/defcon/commit/ae70a220cffb3a75375be57e5af1c2984820d174)
- Makes glyph.image object “sticky”, just like lib objects (352) - Adds a `.tempLib` to `font`, `layer`, and `glyph` that is available for the life of the object and is never saved with the ufo. (367)
- Fixes behavior with `None` in removeObserver (https://github.com/robotools/defcon/pull/349)