Features and Fixes
- Add support of Python 3.8 and 3.9.
- Added a new widget ``SelectizeWidget`` based on the jQuery plugin
`selectize.js <https://github.com/selectize/selectize.js>`_. [stevepiercy]
- Improved handling of the ``readonly`` HTML attribute in certain widgets. The
``readonly`` HTML form control attribute makes the element not mutable,
meaning the user cannot edit the control. When ``"readonly": "readonly"`` is
one of the items in a dict passed into the ``attributes`` option when
creating a widget, the rendered widget both prevents the user from changing
the value, and if the form does not pass validation after submitted then the
field value will be displayed.
``readonly`` is supported by most form controls, but not all. Deform adds
some logic to add read-only support for a few of those form controls, as
described below.
``CheckboxWidget`` and ``CheckboxChoiceWidget``
Due to the nature of how checkbox values are processed, the ``readonly``
attribute has no effect.
To achieve a read-only behavior, pass in ``attributes={"onclick": "return
This will render as an inline JavaScript ``onclick="return false;"`` for
each checkbox item.
The provided value will be displayed in the input and be not editable.
For the selected value it will render an attribute in the HTML as
``readonly="readonly"``, and for all other values as
For selection of single options only, the selected value will render an
attribute in the HTML as ``readonly="readonly"``, and for all other values
as ``disabled="disabled"``.
Multiple selections, set by the ``multiple=True`` option, do not support
the ``readonly`` attribute on the ``<select>`` element.
For multiple selections, use the ``SelectizeWidget``.
For both single and multiple selections, the selected value or values will
be rendered as selected, and the others will not be selectable.
Selectize uses JavaScript to "lock" the form control.
The provided value will be displayed in the input and be not editable.
The provided value will be displayed in the input and be not editable.
- Optionally bypass the resource registry and specify a resource as a dict
where its keys are the type of asset (``"js"`` or ``"css"``) and its values
are either a string or a list of strings of paths to assets on disk.
- Conditionally load ``jquery.maskedinput`` if and only if ``mask`` option is
provided. [tisdall, stevepiercy]
- Changed dateparts widget to use ``type="number"`` instead of default
``text``. [stevepiercy]
- Clarify that a sequence type (list, tuple, or x/range) is required for values
passed into a ``SelectWidget`` or ``RadioChoiceWidget``. [stevepiercy]
- Switch from using nosetests to pytest as the test runner, as nosetests is no
longer maintained. [stevepiercy]
- Switch from Travis-CI and Appveyor to GitHub Actions, due to Travis-CI
changing its plans to be ineffective for the Pylons Project. [stevepiercy]
- Add Docker containerization of Deform and deformdemo as an option for running
tests, and improve related documentation. [sydoluciani]
- Drop support of Python 3.5.
- ``Select2Widget`` is now deprecated and will be removed in Deform 3.0.0
because its jQuery plugin Select2 removed a lock feature in v4.0.0 and its
future development is uncertain. [stevepiercy]
- Add documentation of arbitrary HTML5 attributes for all widgets.
- Add usage documentation of ``Date``, ``DateTime``, and ``Time`` widgets. Add
documentation reference to complex data loading, changing widgets, or
validating data to Colander. [stevepiercy]