* Changed package requirements to fix installation conflicts with Brian 2.6.0.
**Release notes**
- Fixed a bug that could cause the wrong estimation of a somatic compartment's surface area.
- Other minor improvements.
**Release notes**
* A minor release to fix some bugs introduced by VS code auto-formatting.
**Release notes:**
- Changed the order of dSpikes thresholding to be more compatible with other Brian 2 objects and increase overall simulation stability.
- Added the cadIF model as an option to PointNeuronModel.
- Completely redesigned the Library section of the documentation and added more mathematical descriptions for the all built-in Dendrify models.
- Added many new code examples.
- Minor improvements in the source code for better readability and maintainability.
Added Integrate-and-Fire with conductance based adaptation (cadIF) model.
- New and improved implementation of dendritic spikes.
- New PointNeuronModel class for creating point-neuron models.
- New way for specifying the electrophysiological properties of neurons.
- Significantly improved error catching and exception handling.
- Fixed compatibility issues with Jupyter notebooks.
- More stable and robust code overall.
- Added tutorials and code examples.
- Improved documentation page.
- Added a support e-mail address.
- Many minor improvements, bug fixes and quality of life improvements.
- New logo.
Special thanks to Marcel Stimberg, Spyros Chavlis, Nikos Malakasis, Christos Karageorgiou Kaneen and Elisavet Kapetanou for their valuable feedback and suggestions for improving Dendrify.