- Refactored bounding & resampling set up code to only execute
if conditions are met.
- Fix a bug where the resampled LUT was not calculated
correctly for DVH interpolation.
- Differential DVH calculation modified. `(60) <https://github.com/dicompyler/dicompyler-core/pull/60>`__ `[Hideki Nakamoto] <https://github.com/inamoto85>`__
- Fix an issue with D100 not returning 0 Gy. `(74) <https://github.com/dicompyler/dicompyler-core/pull/74>`__ `[Gabriel Couture] <https://github.com/gacou54>`__
- Preserve global maximum dose. `(106) <https://github.com/dicompyler/dicompyler-core/pull/106>`__ `[Akihisa Wakita] <https://github.com/wkt84>`__
- Remove the test for existence of `ContourImageSequence` in
`GetStructureCoordinates`. `(81) <https://github.com/dicompyler/dicompyler-core/pull/81>`__ `[Gabriel Couture] <https://github.com/gacou54>`__
- Utilize integer division when generating a background for
an image.
- Return a string for the patient's name as `PersonName3`
cannot be serialized.
- Fix a bug to return a referenced FoR if the
FrameOfReference is blank.
- Fix a bug in `GetPlan` where the wrong object names were
used. `(43) <https://github.com/dicompyler/dicompyler-core/pull/43>`__ `[gertsikkema] <https://github.com/gertsikkema>`__
- Ensure that Rx Dose from RT Plan is rounded instead of
- Account for holes and bifurcated structures for structure
volume calculation.
- Implement structure volume calculation using Shapely.
- Fix window calculation if not present in header.
- Add checks in max, mean, min and dose_constraint for case where counts array is empty or all 0's. `(96) <https://github.com/dicompyler/dicompyler-core/pull/96>`__ `[Nicolas Galler] <https://github.com/nicocrm>`__