Fixed - Stop using invalid `password` authenticator.
Added - Add support for external browser authentication in `SnowflakeDeserializer`. - Add GitHub actions workflow for creating GitHub releases.
Changed - Use `pyproject.toml` for setuptools config.
Changed - Go back 4 hours in the calculation of minimum record timestamp to avoid issues in concurrent loads.
Changed - Add extra filter on the effectivity satellite's query to reduce the number of scanned records on the parent link.
Added - Add method `sql_load_scripts_by_group` to `DataVaultLoad`.
Changed - Add filter to `MERGE` clauses to reduce the number of scanned records. DML queries now consist of two statements, a `SET` and a `MERGE`, instead of just a `MERGE` query.
Added - Add validation for driving keys (41)
Changed - Exclude more recent records from satellites based on hashkey or driving key (42)