- json view of public tag pages, returns all items
- feed (rss/atom) view of public tag pages, returns latest 15
- feed link on public tag page
- Support for bookmarklets
- UI tweaks
- Redesigned cards with bigger favicon. Looks cleaner
- Different favicon service with 60x60px icons
- Prevent duplicate form submission on add/edit bookmark
- Delete bookmark from bookmark card
- Undo delete link in "Bookmark has been deleted" message
- Delete public tag page
- On tags overview page:
- Show which tags have public pages, with link
- How many bookmarks each tag has
- Statistics on:
- total tags
- number of public tag pages
- total number of bookmarks
- number of starred bookmarks
- number of bookmarks with a non-OK http status
- number of deleted bookmarks
- Filter on 'star' status, 'broken' status (non-http-200-OK)
- Bookmark can have a note now
- Note icon on card with text in title (desktop browser)
- Filter on bookmarks with a note
- Show url domain name along with 'no title' for items without title
- Catch connection timeouts and such
- Open in new tab/window, prevent
- Put the tag selection in a collapsible element to prevent clutter in edit window
- Updated MaterializeCSS and jQuery