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This fixes potential crashes caused by bad returns in the windows USB list submodule.


Options to circup commands are passed as is without error.
Until now you had to escape those with `--`.
Note that there is no auto-complete or help for the circup options in discotool.


$ discotool install -- --auto


$ discotool install --auto


Linux: list more boards in bootloader mode that don't have a serial connection, but have a known VID. (fix)


usb_location` is a new entry in the device information dictionary. Platform dependent, it represents the USB path of the device, and should be consistent across resets and modes, like bootloader and Circuitpython, allowing to identify a board that has been rebooted into a new mode without changing the port it's plugged into.

Windows: list boards in bootloader mode that don't have a serial connection, but have a known VID. (fix)


Add function to return a list of boards filtered by VID and PID. VID is required.
def devices_by_vidpid(vid: int, pid: Optional[int] = None) -> [DeviceInfoDict]

Fix: Avoid a crash if a volume is "ejected" on windows.


Find the default serial tool to use from a list.
- On windows: `Tera Term Pro` first, `PuTTY` second.
- On linux/mac: `tio` first, `screen` second.

This will change the default tool used by people who have not set their own and have the tools prioritized already installed (like if you have tio but are used to screen), but it's worth having more options.

Increase the chances of finding a serial port on macOS, and identify the RP2040 `RPI-RP2` as devices on all platforms using the VID/PID.

Adding an example script to open terminal tabs for each device on mac. Thanks to anecdata

More informative printouts when devices are not found or not valid for a command.

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