* Fix numerical problem in Jolt's GJK implementation. * Fix numerical problem in MPR. * Use `time.perf_counter()` for benchmark.
- Fast AABB tree implementation for broad phase, accelerated with numba 61 - Hydroelastic contact model supports Young's modulus as input 62 - Script to compute potentials of tetrahedral mesh 56 - Add hydroelastic BVH for loading URDFs 68
* Ellipse collider 34 * GJK from Jolt Physics 38 * GJK intersection test is about 30-40% faster * GJK distance calculation is about 3-5x faster * Adds `distance3d.geometry.barycentric_coordinates_tetrahedron` * Adds hydroelastic contact model (module: `distance3d.hydroelastic_contact`) https://github.com/AlexanderFabisch/distance3d/pull/44 * Adds function to load tetrahedral meshes: `distance3d.io.load_tetrahedral_mesh`
* Use trimesh as a fallback solution to load meshes from URDF files when Open3D does not work * Collision margin collider 30 * Containment tests 32
* Faster inversion of transformation matrices with numba