- adapters support, see [47]( for detailed explanation
- `select_divvy_config` function
- `divvy submit` command
- added new `--compute` CLI argument
- `divvy write` can now be run without an outfile, which just prints the template to stdout.
- Instead of passing extra variables as CLI args, you now must explicitly pass them to the `--compute` arg.
- The config file is now passed with a positional argument, instead of with `--config`.
- Made all one-char CLI args lowercase (`-P` to `-p`, `-S` to `-s`).
- Renamed default templates subfolder from submit_templates to divvy_templates
- removed `$PEPENV` from environment variables that may point to divvy computing configuration file. `$DIVCFG` is the only one now.
- `config_file`, `no_env_error` and `no_compute_exception` from `ComputingConfiguration` class constructor