- On Django 2.1, `admin_static` was deprecated and removed in Django 3.0
in favor of plain `static`. This change is backwards compatible with
Django 2.0 and Django 1.11, as it was already just an alias for
`static` on those versions of Django.
- Added missing admin RWD styles introduced in Django 2.0. This change
may introduce some 404 errors on Django 1.11, as those stylesheet
files are not present on this Django version. If this is an issue,
create `admin/base_site.html` template being an exact copy of original
Django `admin/base_site.html` template and add empty `responsive`
block into it.
- Reverted indentation and HTML tags ending style of customized
`admin/base.html` file to match original Django file. This makes
spotting any changes of this file in new Django versions easier.