
Latest version: v0.9.3

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* Doc fixes
* Upgrade to jquery-ui 1.13.2
* Fix when template_name is given as PosixPath or other type
* Add default template name to dummy.html to satisfy django-compressor



* Fixed support for Django 4.0
* Compatibility with admin dark mode
* Fixed issue 100 (js bug when adding last column)
* Fixed issue 103 (compatibility with django-constance)



This release adds support for django 3.X versions and future versions

* Dropped support for django < 1.11
* Support django 3.X and future versions
* Updated jQuery and jQuery UI to latest versions



This release adds support for Django up to 2.2 and fixes various issues.

* Django 2.2 support
* Python 3.7 support
* Updated documentation



This release adds support for Django 1.11 and fixes various issues.

* Django 1.11 support
* Added app config to enable label override to avoid app name collisions
* Security fix: prevent removing users bookmarks by knowing the id
* Better support for custom user models
* Fixed docstrings



This release adds support for Django 1.10 and fixes various bugs and documentation issues.

* Django 1.10 support
* Dashboard pre_content and post_content now accept HTML by default
* Use the staff_member_required decorator instead of login_required
* Use user.get_username() instead of user.username
* Fixed wrong template loader class name in a warning issued by DAT
* Fixed various typos in docs and docstrings

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