* new Django setting B2_FORCE_UNIQUE and new underlaying constructor parameter BackBlazeB2(force_unique=True)
* B2Storage() initializes as the settings.DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE if 'B2Storage' string is not inside can be used together with override_settings(DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE='django.core.files.storage.FileSystemStorage') see https://github.com/pyutil/django-b2/issues/4
* lazy loading, to avoid running code during collectstatic,.. - https://github.com/pyutil/django-b2/issues/3
* bugfix: upload on Windows, thx Same Weaver, https://github.com/pyutil/django-b2/issues/2 * Linux abs filenames: leading "/" will be removed so we can use local abs names 1:1 to upload to b2 (in Windows: C:/.. is valid name)
* can work with django-tenant schemas, tenant aware storage django_b2.tenant_storage.TenantB2Storage
* older local media (see B2_LOCAL_MEDIA) can be cleared with management command b2_clear_local_media * B2_LOCAL_CACHE setting renamed to B2_LOCAL_MEDIA, possible values changed to ="ML"