.. note::
The 0.4.0 release mainly has had a project management overhaul. The project has
transferred to the Jazzband organization. This release mostly focuses on Python/Django
version compatibility and organization of tests, CI etc.
Many thanks for people who reported bugs, and especially, your patience for getting
this release on PyPI.
**Breaking changes**
* Dropped support for Django 2.2, 3.0, 3.1 and 4.0
* Dropped support for Python 3.6 and 3.7
These versions are (nearly) end-of-life and no longer supported by their upstream teams.
**New features**
* Implemented settings for cookie flags: SameSite, HttpOnly, Secure, domain (27, 60,
36, 88)
* Added Dutch translations
* Cache instance resolution is now lazy (41)
* Fixed support for Django 4.1 (73) - thanks alahdal
* Fixed default settings being bytestrings (24, 55, 69)
* Fixed the middleware to clean cookies (13) - thanks some1ataplace
* Fixed bug in JS ``beforeDeclined`` attribute
**Project maintenance**
* Transferred project to Jazzband (38, 64, 75)
* Replaced Travis CI with Github Actions (64, 75)
* Set up correct test matrix for python/django versions (75)
* Code is now ``isort`` and ``black`` formatted (75)
* Set up ``tox`` and ``pytest`` for testing (64, 75)
* 'Removed' the example app - the ``testapp`` in the repository is still a good example
* Configured tbump for the release flow
* Confirmed support for Python 3.11 and Django 4.2
* Added explicit template tag tests (39)
Did some initial restructuring to make the docs easier to digest, more to come.
* Added documentation on how to contribute
* Corrected settings documentation (53, 14)
* Documented ``cookiebar.js`` usage (90) - thanks MrCordeiro
* Added better contributor documentation and example app documentation based on the
``testapp`` in the repository.