major overhaul for ADQL 2.1 recommendation 2023-12-15
- COOSYS is not required for the geometry constructors anymore, since it's deprecated
- the geometry constructors return the correct datatype (double precision[])
and correct units (degrees)
- droped the maintenance/support for the translation from ADQL to MySQL.
- bumped the version of `antlr4-python3-runtime` to 4.13.1
- fixed `BOX` constructor, although it's deprecated in ADQL 2.1
- fixed `CONTAINS` for the case `0=CONTAINS()`
- fixed `INTERSECTS` for the case `0=INTERSECTS()`
- new requirements for the `pg_sphere` extension
- removed not supported optional ADQL functions, such as `CENTROID`, `REGION`, etc.
- replaced `` by `pyproject.toml` since `python install` is deprecated