
Latest version: v0.1.4

Safety actively analyzes 622315 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies


Updated `` / `setup.cfg` for newer versions of `setuptools`.

Tested with `deno 1.32.4` / `Django 4.2`.


Python 3.10` compatibility.

Freeze [deno]( version to `1.21.3` for ([drollup]( compatibility.


Static code analysis fixes

More reliable `SourceFile.should_rollup()`

Windows fixes


[Deno]( front-end integration for [Django](, version 0.1.0.

The Deno web service supports [rollup.js]( bundle ([drollup]( generation to automatically provide [es6 modules]( bundles for [Django]( projects, including scripts from [Django packages static files](

That enables generation of minified [terser]( bundles and / or [systemjs]( bundles, the later ones are compatible to IE11.

Note that currently it supports only [es6 modules](, not the full transpiling of es5 to es6, so it assumes that the developing code has es6 imports / exports but the rest of code is written with es5 syntax.



Has known vulnerabilities

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