
Latest version: v0.9.5

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* Safari's default cookie policy disallows cross site cookies, changed survey
submits to be csrf_exempt



* changed iframe embedded submission to use target="_parent"
* /embed/ test url was using a hard coded token that no longer worked, now
just uses the first survey in the db



* bug in template referencing the wrong object, so titles didn't show properly



* bug fixes for the bug fixes, some of the last commit didn't get included



* fixed bug where the Survey Show Title check box changes weren't saved



* changed supported versions: Python 3.6, 3.5, 2.7; Django 1.9, 1.10
* added documentation on Apache X-Frame-Options header
* removed reCAPTCHA capabilities: was very broken, will likely integrate with
another library in the future to provide this feature
* add "show_title" option so the survey name can be hidden from the survey
form when it is displayed
* changed display string for Question to include a reference to the Survey,
makes it easier to pick the right one in the django admin

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