
Latest version: v3.0

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* Make sure comment moderation is always active.

* Added a "default moderator" for the models that are not registered via ``moderate_model()``.
* The default moderator is configurable via ``FLUENT_COMMENTS_DEFAULT_MODERATOR``.
* Spam filtering works, but "auto close/moderate after" support needs a registration via ``moderate_model()``.

* Added simple captcha support.
* Added "no captcha" reCAPTCHA2 support.
* Add new default ``FLUENT_COMMENTS_AKISMET_ACTION=auto`` option that
completely discards comments when Akismet classifies as definitive spam.
* Fixed using ``force_text()`` to generate the content object title for email.
* Fixed showing HTML in the comments admin.
* Fixed showing the preview multiple times for threaded comments.
* Included ``form.is_preview`` flag.



* Fixed comment moderation when django-threadedcomments_ was used.



* Fixed migration file.
* Fixed missing Dutch translations.
* Improved default form button labels.



* Added Django 2.0 support.
* Dropped Django 1.5 / 1.6 / 1.7 support.
* Dropped Python 2.6 support.
* Dropped django.contrib.comments_ support.



* Fixed the IP-address reported in the email notification,
the database records stored the actual correct value.
* Fixed missing ``request`` variable in templates.
* Fixed wrapping of the ``ThreadedComment`` model by the ``FluentComment`` proxy model too.



* Fixed Django 1.11 appearance of compact labels; e-mail and URL field didn't receive a placeholder anymore.
* Fixed HTML position of the hidden ``parent`` field.
* Enforce python-akismet_ >= 0.3 for Python 3 compatibility.

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