
Latest version: v3.0.2

Safety actively analyzes 702407 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* Added Django 4.1/4.2 support.
* Fix test running in Tox 4.



* Added support for pure-proxy models as page type.
* Fixed unapplied changes warning in migrations for django-mptt >=0.10.
* Fixed unneeded compatibility import for ``ForwardManyToOneDescriptor``.
* RedirectNode: hide "show in sitemaps" link
* TextFile: hide in sitemaps by default



* Added Django 4 compatibility.
* Fixed keeping a lock unneededly when app loading was complete.
* Replaced Travis with GitHub actions.
* Dropped Python 2.7 support.
* Dropped Django 1.11, 2.0, 2.1 support.



* Fix Django 3.0 compatibility by removing ``django.utils.six`` dependency.
* Bump setup requirements to ensure Django 3.0 compatibility.



* Confirmed Django 2.2 support.
* Fixed recursion in ``.only()`` queries, also happened with django-mptt_ 0.10 on deleting nodes.
* Fixed pagetype plugin admin import errors, caused by ordering in ``INSTALLED_APPS``.
* Reformatted all files with black



* Confirmed Django 2.1 support.
* Fixed ``RedirectNode`` in combination with django-any-urlfield_ on Python 3.
* Bumped dependency versions to their latest bugfix releases.
* Optimized the query logic to see whether untranslated fields should be shown.

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