* Migration from Bitbucket (Mercurial) to Github
* Refactored main view using Django class-based views (see :class:`~httpproxy.views.HttpProxy`)
* Removed basic authentication support (`PROXY_USER` and `PROXY_PASSWORD`); may be added back later on.
* Finally merged back Django 1.6 fixes by `Petr Dlouhý <https://bitbucket.org/pdlouhy>`_ (thanks!)
* Merged pull request from `Garrett Seward <https://github.com/spectralsun>`_ (thanks!)
* Added Django 1.7 compatibility
* Added database migrations (Django 1.7 and higher only)
* Updated and improvement the documentation (including :doc:`API documentation <api/index>`)
* Added an ``example`` project for reference
* Using urllib2 instead of httplib2
* Using setuptools instead of distutils
* Using versioneer2 for package versioning
* Removed some unused imports and did some further code cleanup