
Latest version: v0.9.1

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- add compatibility with retina screens 'AVATAR_HIGH_RESOLUTION' settings
- add 'AVATAR_COLORS' settings to choose avatar colors from defined list
- add 'AVATAR_DEFAULT_FOREGROUND' settings to use black or white as default letter color
- add possibility to custom font with 'AVATAR_GENERATOR_BACKEND' settings
- django 1.10 compatible
- thanks to thomashamlin :
- improve performance in templates
- add support for last names that start with lowercase characters like "da Rocha"


- add possibility to use cirle avatars with 'AVATAR_DEFAULT_SHAPE' settings (default to 'square')
- add possibility to customize root folder on with 'AVATAR_STORAGE_FOLDER' settings (default to 'avatars')
- changed file naming
- improved image quality
- update documentation
- python 3.4 compatible
- django 1.9 compatible
- use tox for unittesting


- really fix bug with accent in username, add tests for this case


- add -*- coding: utf-8 -*- at beginning of files to prevent bug
when username has accent


- removes the last_modified_func decorator because of poor


- removes tenant_schema specific code

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