* render widget content securely without debug mode
* update meta
* handle dbtemplates and create themes from them 65
* last fix travis build
* fix db dict
* remove old log occurency
* i hope that finally fix travis tests
* warnings for some part of loading process
* export pythonpath
* fix travis build
* ordering
* sites,sessions
* auth before ct
* separate migrate cmd
* migrate contenttypes before dbtemplates
* migrate just dbtemplates
* migrate before testing
* switchable page theme/color schemes, switch floppyforms to bootstrap3 and cleanup icon widget code
* icon widget preview
* last fix reqs
* fix duplicity of adminlte requirement
* fix travis build
* path to static reqs fix
* install static extras in the default state, bump required version ofdjango-filer, subcategorize for extras
* fix public/private media urls
* fix media on dj 1.8
* sort module to include and cleanup admin dependecies, new extras
* live settings for media options
* empty base widget theme, empty slider
* heading fixes
* guterless page
* included icon widget and removed db field
* bump required version of horizon-contrib
* redactor removed from defaults
* widget update fix
* removed redactor
* fixes
* icon widget
* fix model inheritence
* moved to auth
* import fixes
* navigation extensions, fullscreen context
* make cache update nullable
* media final
* comment for now
* cleanups nav templates, simple link widget
* new devel module, make optional site title, content proxy widget mixin and reworked feed widget, updated required version leonardo adim
* navigation cleanups
* common widget mixins and cleanup widget models
* replaces page memoized by cached_property