
Latest version: v1.12

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* Added LESS support
* Fixed an incompatibility with App Engine 1.6.0 on Python 2.7



* Fixed remapping of CSS url()s that contain a "?"
* Fixed serving of unicode content by media middleware



* Fixed lots of unicode issues



**Upgrade notes:** If you've specified a custom ``SASS_FRAMEWORKS`` in your ```` you now also have to list ``compass`` and ``blueprint`` in that setting.

* All Compass/Sass frameworks (including ``compass`` and ``blueprint``) now have to be listed explictily in the ``SASS_FRAMEWORKS`` setting.



* Added workaround for Windows bug in Sass 3.1. Backslash characters aren't handled correctly for "-I" import path parameters.



* Added Compass support to Sass filter. You now have to install both Compass and Sass. Import Sass/Compass frameworks via `` importsassframeworks``.
* Fixed CoffeeScript support on OSX
* Fixed support for non-ascii chars in input files
* Added "Content-Length" response header for files served in dev mode (needed for Flash). Thanks to "sayane" for the patch.
* Fixed typo which resulted in broken support for ``.html`` assets. Thanks to "pendletongp" for the patch.
* Now showing instructive error message when Sass can't be found
* Use correct output path for ```` even when `` generatemedia`` is not started from the project root. Thanks to "pendletongp" for the patch.
* Added support for overriding the ``_generated_media_names`` module's import path and file system location (only needed for non-standard project structures).

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