* Added support for Django 4.0.
* Fixed crash when the admin "add type" view has no choices; will show a permission denied.
* Fixed missing ``locale`` folder in sdist.
* Fixed missing ``QuerySet.bulk_create(.., ignore_conflicts=True)`` parameter support.
* Fixed ``FilteredRelation`` support.
* Fixed supporting class keyword arguments in model definitions for ``__init_subclass__()``.
* Fixed including ``polymorphic.tests.migrations`` in the sdist.
* Fixed non-polymorphic parent handling, which has no ``_base_objects``.
* Fixed missing ``widgets`` support for ``modelform_factory()``.
* Fixed ``has_changed`` handling for ``polymorphic_ctype_id`` due to implicit str to int conversions.
* Fixed ``Q`` object handling when lists are used (e.g. in django-advanced-filters_).
* Fixed Django Admin support when using a script-prefix.
Many thanks to everyone providing clear pull requests!